
cooking adventures at chez wangelstein

Pre race pancakes

Cycling is hard work. A 30 mile bike ride at a sustained tempo pace will burn upwards of a thousand calories so fuel is critical. A couple of teammates swear by pancakes (sometimes smothered with peanut or almond butter) and I’ve spent the last month experimenting with whole wheat pancake recipes. The results have varied from eating fried black sand to dense, chewy pieces of dough depending on the various quantities of whole wheat flour, buckwheat flour, and ground farro I use. I’m still working on perfecting the recipe, but this a solid pre-race or workout meal.

2 cups whole wheat flour
< 1/4 cup buckwheat flour or ground flax
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp of sugar (optional)
2 eggs
1 cup almond milk (most recipes call for 1% buttermilk, but I rarely have that on hand)
1/4 cup sour cream
2-3 tbsp melted butter
1/4 tsp cinnamon
<1 cup quick cooking oats*

Stir all dry ingredients together
Mix wet ingredients and slowly add flour mixture
Add sliced bananas or fresh berries for a sweeter and slightly less doughy texture
Cook in a hot skillet with melted butter on medium high heat; flip when edges start to bubble and turn the heat down to medium
*I usually make this recipe the night before; the oats will absorb moisture overnight and swell up. You may need to add a little more milk before cooking.

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