
cooking adventures at chez wangelstein


Les Domestiques highlights the recipes and cooking experiments at the Wangelstein household. Every month we make a resolution to eat out and try new restaurants in Seattle, but those usually fall by the wayside when we keep discovering new recipes to try and slight variations on the old ones we think we’ve perfected.

The name of this blog is a tangential reference to our love for cycling and bike racing; a domestique is a bike racer who works for the good of the team and rides to help the race favorite win stages or the entire race (it’s also the French term for domestic servant). We cook because we love food and we believe in nourishing others.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Ric Cochrane on said:

    This is a great resource — makes me hungry and inspires me to cook more and better! Love you guys, ric

  2. Fahri Ugurlu on said:

    Hello Aaron,
    Keep up the good work. I have a great meatless kurfta recipe that you will enjoy. We’ll do it together when you are in town at your parents.
    Take care….

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